Vanessa Enoch, Ph.D., MBA
Dr. Vanessa Enoch has been a business owner for over 20 years. She is the President & CEO of Cultural Impact, LLC, a management consulting firm, founded in 2015. Dr. Enoch’s business objective is to inspire individuals and business owners to walk in passion, purpose, and power. She was the Democratic Nominee in 2018 and 2020 for US Congress in 8th congressional district of Ohio. Dr. Enoch is currently developing an NGO Accelerator, alongside several partners, to incubate and accelerate innovative ideas and help solve some of the world’s greatest challenges, in areas such as the alleviation of poverty, food insecurity, climate change, wildlife conservation, clean air and water.
Dr. Enoch was responsible for developing project infrastructure and provided oversight of two innovative neighborhood-based trauma treatment ecosystems in Cincinnati, OH, to provide community-based assessments and trauma informed intervention and treatment to improve resiliency in children and reduce PTSD symptoms. The trauma centers partnered several organizations, such as The Cincinnati Islamic Community Center, The Cincinnati Police Department, The Cincinnati Public Schools, The Cincinnati Recreation Department, The City of Cincinnati Health Department, the Neighborhood Enhancement Project (NEP), Place Based Investigations of Violent Offender Territories (The PIVOT) program, The Cincinnati Initiative to Reduce Violence (CIRV), medical professionals from Cincinnati Children’s Hospital, and The University of Cincinnati), all were already engaged in the work of trauma on various levels.
Dr. Enoch is a trained community organizer, who is passionate about Social Justice and Human Rights causes. She has worked alongside state legislators and state court judges on judicial reform efforts. In 2019, Enoch recently started a United Nations Chapter in Cincinnati, OH. As a scholar practitioner, Dr. Enoch has been engaged in the work of ending mass incarceration and the school-to-prison pipeline for the past decade. In this effort, she organized nearly 500 citizens and community members, who were responsible for helping to significantly move the needle to flip the courts in Ohio from Republican dominated to a Democratically controlled bench.
Enoch is also an award-winning journalist and reports for radio and television, writing news articles for local and national publications. Her work in the area of Criminal Justice reporting has earned awards from the Society for Professional Journalism in 2018 and 2020.
Dr. Enoch holds a Master of Business Administration (MBA) with a Concentration in Information Technology from Xavier University and a Ph.D. in Public Policy and Social Change from Union Institute & University.
Enoch has been named one of 15 Women in Business and nominated for the Cincinnati Business Couriers Forty Under 40 award. Enoch was also a member of the Cincinnati Chamber C-Change Leadership Class. She volunteers on several local and national non-profit boards, including the YMCA, Vision Works, Inc., Black Greeks Speak, and she became one of the youngest to ever serve on The Cincinnati USA Regional Chamber of Commerce board.